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Darkley Primary School, Armagh

Our News

2016/2017 School Year

8th Mar 2017
The P7 children took part in the Bee Safe programme in Armagh on Wednesday. The...
6th Mar 2017
Thank you to all the children who participated in our school competition 'Reading...
1st Mar 2017
Emma McCooey was awarded second place in the Credit Union art competition 'Dreams...
1st Mar 2017
In numeracy this week P3 & 4 have been learning about right angles....
1st Mar 2017
Miss Conlon and the P5 P6 & P7 children had a great time making (and sampling) pancakes...
1st Mar 2017
Our Key Stage 2 children travelled to St Mary's Primary School in Granemore as part...
23rd Feb 2017
Pupils in 5&6 worked in pairs to experiment with simple electrical circuits. ...
23rd Feb 2017
Congratulations to Pauric Fox who represented our school at the Cumann na mBunscol...
9th Feb 2017
P1 and P2 enjoyed comparing the lengths of laces and ribbons in numeracy. Each group...
9th Feb 2017
P3/4 has been learning through practical Maths this term. Take a look at the photographs...