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Darkley Primary School, Armagh

Our News

2018/2019 School Year

4th Apr 2019
Primary 6 and 7 thoroughly enjoyed using Izak 9 to help with their understanding...
4th Apr 2019
Primary 4/5 have been working very hard solving problems using Izak-9. Lots of teamwork,...
4th Apr 2019
Primary 4/5 are having great fun taking part in the Roots of Empathy programme....
29th Mar 2019
Well done to all our nominated pupils who have lead by example throughout the week.
24th Mar 2019
Well done to Brodie and Marty who played in the Athletic Grounds during Armagh's...
23rd Mar 2019
Well done to all our pupils who received Master Mc Caul merits and Pupil of...
21st Mar 2019
Well done to all our amazing P6/7 pupils who successfully completed their 8...
21st Mar 2019
Best of luck to Brodie and Marty as they prepare for Sunday's Allianz League match...
5th Mar 2019
We had great fun making pancakes in our school today. Check out our pictures.
5th Mar 2019
Congratulations to Aoibheann in P6 who recently won an award in the credit union...