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Darkley Primary School, Armagh

Our News

2019/2020 School Year

14th Feb 2020
Another week of hard work was celebrated today with the distribution of Pupil of...
14th Feb 2020
Congratulations to the boys and girls who came first in the recent credit union...
14th Feb 2020
Primary one worked extremely hard to complete a Maths Task that incorporated lots...
14th Feb 2020
In P1 and 2 this week we enjoyed making some lovely Valentine’s Day treats...
13th Feb 2020
Tonight, Thursday 13th February, will see 7 pupils from Darkley PS compete in the...
13th Feb 2020
Today Darkley PS welcomed our friends from Lisanally. A fantastic morning was had...
11th Feb 2020
Our P6 and 7 pupils had a wonderful morning meeting the boys and girls who will...
7th Feb 2020
Arthur was a very busy boy at home this week. Arthur and his dad made a very creative...
7th Feb 2020
Primary one and two are learning how to tell the time. Primary one are looking closely...
7th Feb 2020
Congratulations to the boys and girls who received Pupil of the Week and Master...