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Darkley Primary School, Armagh

Our News

2020/2021 School Year

28th Sep 2020
Another glorious day as our P4/5 gardening experts took to the school ground once...
28th Sep 2020
Congratulations to the boys and girls in Primary 5 who received their First Holy...
28th Sep 2020
Today’s decimal game was called Zig Zag.
28th Sep 2020
As part of their WAU topic The Victorians P6/7 have researched the artist Charles...
25th Sep 2020
P4/5 have been busy learning about instructional writing. After two weeks of reading,...
25th Sep 2020
Congratulations to the boys and girls who received Pupil of the Week and Master...
25th Sep 2020
Our class have noticed a great change in the weather this week. Last week we had...
25th Sep 2020
We enjoyed the story of The Little Red Hen. Primary one loved making their own little...
24th Sep 2020
We have been busy this week completing different tasks for World Recycle Week. As...
23rd Sep 2020
Another glorious day of gardening was enjoyed by our P6/7 pupils. Today they prepared...