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Darkley Primary School, Armagh

Our News

2020/2021 School Year

18th Nov 2020
P3 have been working hard to learn the features of instructions. They have followed...
12th Nov 2020
Primary 6 and 7 enjoyed some practical work with length again today. They estimated...
10th Nov 2020
Primary 6 and 7 had a great morning working in groups to measure how far each person...
10th Nov 2020
P3 explored a range of books from our class library. They were able to tell us a...
9th Nov 2020
We have been learning about syllables in words. We had fun using musical instruments...
6th Nov 2020
P4/5 enjoy keeping fit during PE sessions and doing our daily mile. We have not...
6th Nov 2020
Congratulations to the boys and girls who received Pupil of the Week and Master...
6th Nov 2020
In religion we discussed all the wonderful things God created and how they all have...