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Darkley Primary School, Armagh

Our News

2020/2021 School Year

10th Dec 2020
The boys and girls tuned into a virtual performance of Beauty and the Beast this...
9th Dec 2020
We had a fantastic music session today where we learned about beat. We also listened...
9th Dec 2020
Our Christmas Carol Christmas Tree is in the final stages... we can’t wait...
7th Dec 2020
Primary 6 and 7 are really enjoying the practical aspect of area and perimeter in...
7th Dec 2020
Painting and preparation of our Christmas tree is well under way in P6 and 7 . Everyone...
7th Dec 2020
A mighty win for Armagh Camogie over the weekend becoming All-Ireland Champions...
4th Dec 2020
P4/5 have been looking at symmetry within shapes this week. As our WAU topic is...
4th Dec 2020
Congratulations to the boys and girls who received awards this week! A special congratulations...
3rd Dec 2020
In class we are enjoying singing Christmas carols and using musical instruments...