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Darkley Primary School, Armagh

Our News

2020/2021 School Year

31st Mar 2021
We had a wonderful morning celebrating success in Darkley PS. congratulations...
31st Mar 2021
P2 and P3 have been using their skills to find out information about different animals....
28th Mar 2021
We have been learning about Forests with Miss Hughes our student teacher. Miss Hughes...
26th Mar 2021
Primary 6 and 7 estimated the capacity of different sizes of containers and then...
26th Mar 2021
To celebrate spring, primary 6 and 7 are going to paint The Tree of Life after studying...
26th Mar 2021
Over the past number of weeks we have had the pleasure of having a fourth year St...
26th Mar 2021
Our focus in PE today was teamwork👭👫 We discussed the importance of working...