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Darkley Primary School, Armagh

Our News

2016/2017 School Year

12th Dec 2016
After the final performance last night in Darkley Primary School, a number of gifts...
11th Dec 2016
Well done to all the children on their performances on Friday and tonight. Here...
7th Dec 2016
Well done everyone. Some fantastic posters.
7th Dec 2016
The P1 and P2 classes had their first Workshop session of Attention and Listening...
6th Dec 2016
A huge congratulations to the boys and girls who won medals and trophies for their...
5th Dec 2016
Our 5 sessions of after school Art club for P1 and P2 finished today. The children...
5th Dec 2016
P1 and P2 had great fun today in P.E. They played a range of games to improve their...
2nd Dec 2016
After a lonG morning of rehearsals for our Christmas show the P1 & P2 children...
1st Dec 2016
Open night was a great success. The school was very busy with new P1 children visiting...