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Darkley Primary School, Armagh

Our News

2016/2017 School Year

16th Jun 2017
We aim to introduce a new 'Roots of Empathy' programme next year in Primary 5. A...
26th May 2017
As part of their Literacy and Healthy Eating topic Primary 1 and 2 made Rainbow...
25th May 2017
congratulations to all the P4 children who made their First Holy Communion last...
11th May 2017
'Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Darkley Primary School Blitz' Darkley Primary...
11th May 2017
As part of World Around Us in Primary 1 and 2 the childern are learning about holidays...
28th Apr 2017
The boys and girls from P5, 6 & 7 took part in the annual partnership cup football...
13th Apr 2017
Congratulations to all the children who received a termly certificate and an accelerated...
13th Apr 2017
The children in Primary 5, 6 & 7 had great fun this week with Mrs Mackin-Jackson...
11th Apr 2017
The Year 9 children of St Patrick's High School Keady have just completed a fantastic...
10th Apr 2017
Primary 1 and 2 enjoyed a wonderful morning’s play outdoors in the spring...