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Darkley Primary School, Armagh

Our News

2017/2018 School Year

12th Sep 2017
The Darkley community came together on Saturday 9th September to engage in a range...
8th Sep 2017
As part of the P5 World Around Us topic this term the children explored Darkley...
6th Sep 2017
A huge warm welcome to our new P1 children. All fourteen children have settled...

2016/2017 School Year

26th Jun 2017
Darkley Primary School held an induction morning on Monday to welcome our new P1...
23rd Jun 2017
Stevey McGeown and Bernie O'Connor visited our school today to talk to our children...
23rd Jun 2017
After 12yrs of service to our school it is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell...
20th Jun 2017
Representatives of Keady Arts and Heritage Society came to our school today to conduct...
16th Jun 2017
Our end of year mass took place on Friday in Darkley Primary School and we are very...
16th Jun 2017
The children took part in Sports Day this week and were cheered on by visiting parents....
16th Jun 2017
The P7 children visited the Share Centre in Lisnaskee last week and had a fantastic...