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Darkley Primary School, Armagh

Our News

2019/2020 School Year

7th Feb 2020
Well done to our amazing girls who took part in the Indoor Camogie Blitz in Silverbridge....
6th Feb 2020
P4/5 are working very hard every Thursday creating some very special pieces of Art....
6th Feb 2020
P4/5 are enjoying learning all about weight. They particularly enjoyed weighing...
5th Feb 2020
Today during PE we had our warmup session, core workout, worked in teams to master...
5th Feb 2020
P1&2 are enjoying their weekly Irish Language Class. Today the children learnt...
5th Feb 2020
The P6 and 7’s had very enjoyable experiences both in the school library and...
31st Jan 2020
Well done to Emily, Aoibheann,Emma and Olly who won the Credit Union School Quiz....
31st Jan 2020
Congratulations to the boys and girls who received awards this week! 😊😊
31st Jan 2020
A big Congratulations to P5 pupil Paddy who is the first person in our school to...
27th Jan 2020
P5-7 are having great fun at our after schools ICT club. They are using apps on...