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Darkley Primary School, Armagh

Our News

2020/2021 School Year

9th Oct 2020
The boys and girls have been enjoying improving their balance, jumping and throwing...
9th Oct 2020
P4/5 completed brilliant self-portraits this week. They spent quite a lot of time...
9th Oct 2020
Primary 6 and 7 are busy organising a whole school number hunt to celebrate Maths...
9th Oct 2020
P4/5 have been working hard all week learning about Perimeter. We are now able to...
7th Oct 2020
P6 and P7 are very excited about Maths Week which takes place next week, so in preparation...
7th Oct 2020
In primary one we are exploring the S Sound. We created a Sound table in our classroom...
7th Oct 2020
Today we had our first music session with Mrs Moore. We talked about what a ‘beat’...
30th Sep 2020
Congratulations to the boys and girls who received awards this week. A special congratulations...
29th Sep 2020
Mr Monaghan arranged a wonderful surprise for the boys and girls today to reward...